I've happily killed off my old campaigns several times, each time learning a little something about storytelling and entertaining. That's all DMing really is, although the genre may change radically from game to game. Sometimes the game changes the players (several instances of PVP during dark themed campaigns), but most often for me its the players who change the game.
I strive to have the PCs be the center of the show. They are in the right or wrong place at the wrong or right time and they decide how to play in the sandbox. They have the potential to be able to change their world. The NPC's have personal goals and ambitions, but they never take the reins and drive the show.
This Friday I'm starting a new campaign based on one that I ended in 1999. The setting is the same (Freewold Valley), but set approximately 50 years before the last PCs played. There will be player familiarity with the geography, but only a very few NPCs will have been around that they might have met.
...yes, I suppose its possible for them to be their own Grandpa. :-)
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